rine | a se : = 0290060 1941 € SS KZ4AL [SERRE i) ©. & By Gy iN a M3 rv ; . iS Sof 3 \* i => we Ne ¥ >: ¢ “te =? 2 0M ee % rhe SAWN SI eae Ss Ls } Ke (Bh SON PEt . fy > . Ue. S = = RD Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www. archive.org/details/britishinsectsgeO0Owestuoft THE ABBEY NATURE BOOKS Edited by W. PERCIVAL WESTELL, F.L.S. BRITISH INSECTS (General) THE ABBEY NATURE BOOKS Coloured Plates and many Black and White Illustrations. BRITISH MAMMALS, BRITISH BIRDS (Double Volume). BRITISH REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS, AND FRESH- WATER FISHES, BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS, BRITISH INSECTS (General), CHAPMAN & DODD, Ltd., 66 Great Queen St., London, W.C.2. PLaTE | BriTIsH’ INSECTS 1. Soldier Beetle. 2. Demoiselle Dragon Fly. 3. Rose Chafer Beetle. 4. Great Green Grasshoppcr. 5. Great Brown Water Peetle. 6. Violet Ground Beetle. BRITISH INSECTS (General) BY W. PERCIVAL WESTELL, F.L.S. ILLUSTRATED BY DORIS MEYER CHAPMAN & DODD, LTD. mn t Aft RIS9 rene Wier & Cahill & Co., Ltd., London, Dublin and Drogheda. INTRODUCTORY NOTE WHEN it is pointed out that there are over one hundred and seventy different species of Caddis Flies in Britain alone, and several thousands of species of Ichneumons, the difficulty of compressing into one modest volume even a brief survey of British Insect Life will be realised. Whilst the members of the Order Lepidoptera (Butter- flies and Moths) have been accorded a volume of their own,* and thus relieved the congestion somewhat, there remained a mighty host to contend with in the general insecta, and it is with representatives of these that this fifth volume is concerned. It has been the author’s aim to treat his subject more or less scientifically, and yet not be dry-as-dust, as a book on insect-life must, to be of any useful service, include scientific names, orders, families, and the rest. Popular books on these insect-marvels, whilst eminently readable, are of little use for identification or reference, and the idea has been to strike a happy medium by producing a tome that shall make a direct appeal to all Nature lovers, and yet have some value from the point of view already men- tioned. As it stands, it is claimed to be the most com- prehensive little volume yet published on British Insects * Volume IV, of “‘ The Abbey Nature Books.” INTRODUCTORY NOTE —a multum-in-parvo—and it is hoped that, as a result, these myriads of creatures will receive a greater share of attention than has heretofore been accorded them. It should be pointed out that the classification of Insects is being constantly altered, and whilst to-day the Orders herein included are mostly accepted, to-morrow may see the Fleas, for example, taken out of the Diptera, and placed elsewhere. There seems no finality, partly because we are only gradually acquiring sufficient in- formation for dealing with them, and many puzzles still exist. ‘The aim has been to take the ten chief Orders of Insects represented in Britain, and to deal with them accordingly. ‘The Author has largely followed the “‘ Guide to the Exhibited Series of Insects in the Depart- ment of Entomology ” at the British Museum (Natural History), and he has to acknowledge the courtesy of the Trustees of that wonderful Institution in loaning blocks OL Figs. 1,2, 3,4; El, 125 135 245 275.315 430G4e a5ene. and 38, and to Mr. Ray Palmer, F.E.S., of Letchworth Museum, for helpful assistance in classification. Ack- nowledgment is also made of the use, as a work of re- ference, of the Author’s recently published collaborative treatise: ‘‘ Pests of the Garden and Orchard, Farm and Forest”? (Palmer and Westell, Drane, Nov. 1922). CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ; ; : 3 ° . : I I. ORpDER APTERA, OR SPRING-TAILS AND BRISTLE- ‘TAILS : Collembola, or Spring-Tails Thysanura, or Bristle-Tails . ‘ : See II. OrbDER MALLOPHAGA, OR BIRDAND BITING LICE . 14 III. OrpER ORTHOPTERA, OR EARWIGS, COCKROACHES, CRICKETS, AND GRASSHOPPERS ; Meer 1 e Forficulide, or Earwigs : : ; ie Stae Blattide,or Cockroaches. : a Ea 3) Gryllide, or Crickets . : i Rig Phasgonuride, or Long-Horned OE) 25 Locustide, or Short-Horned Grasshoppers. 25 IV. OrpDER RHYNCHOTA, OR Bucs, FROTH-FLIEs, APHIDS, AND SCALE-INSECTS . ; 728 Hemiptera,or Bugs. : 28 Homoptera, or Froth-Flies, Aphids, and Seals Insects . : : 3 ; P =). 28 CONTENTS V. ORbDER COLEOPTERA, OR BEETLES. Vill Ctcindelida, or Tiger Beetles Carabidae, or Carnivorous Ground Beetles Gyrinida, or Whirligig Beetles Dytiscide, or Carnivorous Water Beetles. Hydrophilide, or Vegetable Feeding Water Beetles . : . Staphylinide, or Rove Beetles Silphide, or Carrion Beetles. Coccinellide, or Ladybird Beetles . Byturid@, or Raspberry Beetles, &c. Scarabaida, or Chafer and Dor Beetles, &c. Lucanida, or Stag Beetles : Anobitde, or Death-Watch Beetles, &c. . Lampyrida, or Glow-Worm Beetles, &c. Telephorida, or Soldier and Sailor Beetles Elateride, or Click Beetles Meloida, or Oil Beetles Curculionidae, or Weevils Scolytide, or Bark Beetles 5 Cerambycide, or Wood-Boring Beetles . Bruchida, or Pea and Bean Beetles, &c. . Chrysomelida, or Leaf-Eating Beetles Tenebrionida, or Grain Eating Beetles, &c. Blaptida, or Cellar Beetles . Page 38 38 39 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 46 48 50 51 52 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 58 59 CONTENTS Page Cassidida, or Tortoise Beetles ‘ ’ 2 GO VI. ORrpreR NEUROPTERA, OR NERVE-WINGED INSECTS. 60 Corrodentia, or Book Lice . ‘ P Ee BOY Plecoptera, or Stone Flies . ‘ . Bes 2 Sialida, or Alder Flies ‘ ‘ owe Planipennia, or Scorpion Flies aa Lacewings 64. Ephemeroptera, or May Flies. : : aio OB Odonata, or Dragon Flies. : : iy, 10S VII. OrpbeR TRICHOPTERA, OR CADDIS FLIES. Moke fe VIII. Onrpber LEPIDOPTERA, OR BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS = 75 (These are only included here so as to complete the ten chief Orders of British Insects, the Butterflies and Moths having been accorded a separate Volume to themselves in Book IV.) IX. Orpber Diprera, or Fires, Mosquitoes, MIDGES, AND FLEAS . : : ‘ : ane Pulicide, or Fleas ; ; ; aT Cecidomyiide, or Gall Midges : : eee 7 Bibionide, or Dung Flies. : : “Ol Culicida, or Mosquitoes (Gnats) . : a 7) Tipulide, or Crane Flies. : : Shy Od Syrphide, or Hover Flies. : 3 RUE <3 CONTENTS Page Tachinidae, or Parasitic Flies. : : et ee Muscide, or House Flies, &c 2 : maa Pe stride, or Bot Flies . 3 Baiey Hippoboscide, or Mammal and Bird F lies ~ aed Chironomide, or Midges : , 2 85 Tabanida, or Gad Flies : ; ; ho aie Bombylide, or Humble Bee Flies . : ~ 286 X. ORDER HYMENOPTERA, OR ANTS, BEES, Wasps, SAW-FLIES, ICHNEUMONS, AND OTHERS . 87 Heterogyna, or Social Ants . : :